First days
in braces

Congratulations, you have made the first step toward a great new smile! You may have many questions about your treatment. Below are the most frequently asked questions.

What foods can I eat?

Please do not eat hard, sticky, chewy foods, including nuts, ice, crisp taco shells, whole apples and carrots, hard French bread crust and rolls, spare ribs, corn on the cob, popcorn, taffy, caramels and gum to name a few. These foods can cause breakage of the brackets and wires. Also avoid nail-biting and pen or pencil chewing habits, since these can damage your braces. Excessive broken appliances due to careless eating habits may result in additional charges for repair.

While in braces there are ways to still enjoy the foods foods you love like corn on the cob, by cutting the corn off. Ribs and chicken wings by cutting the meat off or enjoying boneless wings or ribs! Fruits with a core like apples, pears, peaches etc. cut them off the core and into small bite sized pieces. When eating chewy foods like steak cut them into small bite sized pieces this can help avoid and bracket or wire issues. If you are craving popcorn, popcorn twists are a great option! 

If you have any questions about food restrictions please ask at your next appointment or call the office. 

How will braces feel?

Occasionally, the braces feel like they “stick out.” This is normal. As you get used to your braces and your teeth get straighter, this feeling will go away. Image Orthodontics uses braces that are designed to provide superior patient comfort with rounded corners and smoothed edges.

You may have discomfort, this usually happens several hours after your braces have been put on. Some teeth, usually the front teeth, may be “tender” and sensitive to pressure during the first few days of braces. Occasionally, patients report they experience no discomfort, but most have some soreness. This discomfort usually dissipates within a week. Exactly when the discomfort stops is impossible to predict and differs for each patient.

Will my checks be sore?

Braces may irritate soft tissues initially until the tissue toughens. Image Orthodontics always supplies soft orthodontic wax or silicon based putty that will ease the discomfort. You may also consider using a warm salt water rinse.

What do I do if my teeth are sore?

Soreness may occur off and on during orthodontic treatment. You may wish to take non-prescription pain remedies commonly taken for other discomforts such as headaches (Tylenol/Acetaminophen or Advil/Ibuprofen). Please consult Dr. Lacoursiere if you have any queries regarding pain relief before taking any medication. Try to stick to softer foods during this time.

Are my teeth loose?

A loose feeling is common, as teeth must loosen before they can move. They will tighten up back to normal after braces removal during the retainer stage.

How do I make my treatment easier?

Before leaving the office, there are routine steps which we ask you complete. These steps will minimize discomfort related to irritation from the braces and ensure an optimal response to treatment. Please make these steps a part of each office visit:

  • Using your finger and tongue, check to see that the wire ends do not extend into areas which might poke or abrade the cheek or tongue.
  • Make sure you understand what you are to do until your next appointment. This could include wearing elastics as instructed, adjusting an expander or following specific hygiene and diet instructions.
  • Make sure you have an adequate supply of dental wax, special cleaning aids, elastic bands, or other related materials you may need between appointments.
  • Always schedule your next appointment before leaving the office. Waiting 1-2 weeks after an appointment before scheduling your next office visit complicates the scheduling process, since appointments are programmed 4-12 weeks in advance. Postponing appointments is a common contributor to your treatment running over the estimated treatment time.

“ My passion for orthodontics is knowing that I have the ability to develop fantastic smiles for my patients that can help unleash their great potential. I consider myself very blessed to have been given the skills and education required to help change people’s lives."

Saskatoon Office

150-1820 McOrmond Drive Saskatoon, SK S7S 0A6
